Unveiling the Art of Hospital Laundry Planning

Have you ever wondered how hospitals manage to keep their linen and clothes clean and hygienic? How do they deal with the different types of soiled and contaminated fabrics that come from various departments and wards? How do they ensure that the laundry process is efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly?

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How to Choose the Right Appliances and Equipment for a Laundry Room

A laundry room is a hub of activity where large quantities of laundry are processed every day. Whether you run a hotel, a healthcare facility, or a laundromat, choosing the right appliances and equipment is crucial to the success of your business.

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Commercial Laundry Equipment – A Complete Guide

Commercial Laundry  Commercial laundry is a laundering method where the process of washing and cleaning of hotel linen is done on an off-site premise.  It is a model based on…

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